
To Install Ozone on your Android device, please download the application from next button and follow below steps..

How to install an APK on your Android device?

  • 1. Once you click the above button , it shows a link to download that particular APK file.
    Save this file on your phone. You may see a warning message displaying "This type of file can harm your device," accept it.

  • download

  • 2. If your device browser doesn't allow opening a file just after downloading,
    open the file manager and go to the Downloads folder you will find Ozone apk.

  • file manager

  • 3. Tap on the APK file you downloaded to install. Allow the required app permissions to install if asks.
    Now click on INSTALL.

  • install

  • 4. You will see a confirmation when the app is installed successfully,
    and your app is visible in your list of installed apps.

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